Non-Functional Requirements Workshop

Online Workshop

Our Non-Functional Requirements Workshop is a practical, hands-on learning experience that will make the elicitation and analysis of non-functional requirements more manageable. The course will provide you with a comprehensive set of PDF slides to reference post-course, and many opportunities for practicing techniques and asking questions during the sessions. Feedback, where necessary, will be provided by the course facilitator.

Participating in this course will equip you with hands-on experience and practical knowledge in elicitation, analysis, and documentation of non-functional requirements (NFRs). You will understand their importance in project implementation, learn how to apply relevant elicitation techniques, and recognise the characteristics of a well-defined NFR. As NFRs often influence system performance, usability, reliability, and other critical aspects, mastering them can significantly increase the success of your projects.

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Who is this Course for?

This Non-Functional Requirements Workshop is ideal for professionals who need to elicit, analyse and document non-functional requirements. While there are no specific prerequisites, the course will benefit business analysts, product owners, requirements engineers, functional analysts, business systems analysts, requirements managers, consultants, and other practitioners with existing experience in business analysis looking to enhance their knowledge of non-functional requirements.

Why take this Course?

Participating in this course will equip you with hands-on experience and practical knowledge in elicitation, analysis, and documentation of non-functional requirements (NFRs). You will understand their importance in project implementation, learn how to apply relevant elicitation techniques, and recognise the characteristics of a well-defined NFR. As NFRs often influence system performance, usability, reliability, and other critical aspects, mastering them can significantly increase the success of your projects.

About this Course

Our Non-Functional Requirements Workshop is a practical, hands-on learning experience that will make the elicitation and analysis of non-functional requirements more manageable. The course will provide you with a comprehensive set of PDF slides to reference post-course, and many opportunities for practicing techniques and asking questions during the sessions. Feedback, where necessary, will be provided by the course facilitator.

Is there an Exam?

No, there's no formal exam in this workshop. Instead, the course emphasizes hands-on learning and practice. You'll get the opportunity to apply what you learn throughout the course in an interactive, engaging environment.

Will I gain a Certification/Accreditation?

Upon successful completion of the workshop, you will receive a certificate of completion from IRM UK.

Full Course Outline

Full Course Outline

  1. Introduction
    • Requirement Types: Overview of a requirements classification schema
    • Understanding the different types of requirements
    • The Importance of Non-Functional Requirements
  2. Stakeholders
    • Stakeholder Identification
    • Stakeholder Types
    • Relevance of NFRs to different stakeholder groups
  3. Change Delivery Lifecycles
    • Overview of different approaches: Plan-driven lifecycles, Change-driven lifecycles, Build vs Buy
    • Comparison of approaches: Timing and nature of NFR elicitation and analysis
    • Traceability
  4. Eliciting and Categorising NFRs
    • Eliciting NFRs: Overview of elicitation approaches, planning the elicitation activity
    • Categorisation: Including an NFR categorisation schema
  5. Analysing and Defining NFRs
    • Documenting NFRs: Use of textual statements to define NFRs
    • Prioritisation: Using the MoSCoW prioritisation framework
    • Verification & Validation: Quality-checking and achieving sign-off
    • Requirements Reuse: The relevance of reuse for NFRs.

Through this workshop, you'll gain an in-depth understanding of non-functional requirements and how to handle them effectively in your professional endeavors.


Adrian Reed
Principal Consultant
Blackmetric Business Solutions
Adrian Reed is a true advocate of the analysis profession. In his day job, he acts as Principal Consultant at Blackmetric Business Solutions where he provides business analysis consultancy and training solutions to a range of clients in varying industries. He is editor-in-chief of the quarterly open-access magazine BA Digest, and he speaks internationally on topics relating to business analysis and business change. Adrian wrote the 2016 book ‘Be a Great Problem Solver… Now’ and the 2018 book ‘Business Analyst’ You can read Adrian’s blog at and connect with him on LinkedIn at
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