Speaker Application

Industry Leaders Needed! 

We’re interested in proposals for introductory as well as advanced sessions that focus on case studies, lessons learned, success stories, strategies and methodologies. We encourage novice presenters as well as professional presenters to submit proposals for this conference.

Interested? Submit your paper below or contact Andrew Morris, Head of Content & Production, IRM UK if you have any questions.

If you are looking to speak at the Data, AI & Analytics Conference in October 2024, please contact shane@irmuk.co.uk

We look forward to welcoming you as one of our visionary speakers to our events!

Which track are you primarily submitting for?
Which track are you primarily submitting for?
Please select your session type
Please make sure you have read the speaker guidelines before submitting below. The speaker guidelines can be seen at https://irmuk.co.uk/cfp-business-analysis-conf-2024/

Your Information


Speaker Information

up to 150 words. Please write this in the third person (if there are two speakers, please include the second speaker's biography here as well)

Maximum file size: 5MB

Second Speaker Information

up to 150 words. Please write this in the third person (if there are two speakers, please include the second speaker's biography here as well)

Maximum file size: 5MB

Session Information

0 of 250 max words
Description of the presentation topic and content plus up to five key takeaways describing what delegates will learn during the session. The description should be between 100 and 150 words. If the session is selected, this will be included in the conference brochure/website
Any other information that you feel would help the programme committee to select your proposal including videos of you speaking on YouTube/other, speaker books, articles, publications and any other speaker accomplishments that should be considered
Audience Skill Level
Session Type (select all that apply)
Session Type (select all that apply)
Session Type (select all that apply)
Do you have permission from your organisation to speak at the conference and for IRM UK to use your details in the event marketing material?

Terms & Conditions

  1. All speakers must agree to provide their final presentation to IRM UK in a standard electronic form (PPTX & PDF),no later than 5 weeks before the event This is necessary to prepare the pre-event download page. Presentations will be distributed prior to the event via a secure download website to all delegates.
  2. By submitting a proposal, the speaker agrees to the standard copyright and reproduction terms of this event. These terms provide that copyright in original presentation material remains with the speaker, however IRM UK are granted the right to record, reproduce and distribute each presentation in all forms of printed and electronic conference materials, including, but not limited to, the conference pre-event download page, printed attendee notes, the conference website, and audio and/or video recordings (digital and/or analogue), without royalties or fees payable to speaker. If you cannot agree to these requirements please contact andrew@irmuk.co.uk to explore a work around.
  3. All sessions will be rated by the audience for commercial content. Any speaker who is judged by the audience to have made an inappropriate sales pitch for his/her own company, book, product or service during a conference session risks having their presentation interrupted and/or halted, and will not be invited to participate at future conferences.
  4. By submitting a proposal, speaker agrees that he/she has permission from his/her company to make the presentation under the terms outlined in this Call for Speakers. If you do not have approval at the time you make the proposal, you must indicate this clearly.
  5. All questions regarding the Call for Speakers may be sent to: andrew@irmuk.co.uk
By submitting this form you agree to the above terms
GDPR Consent
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Sponsorship Enquiry
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