Event Details

This course will address what degree of process work is required for today’s organizations striving to establish digital business capabilities to optimize the end-to-end customer journey and leverage resources in the most effective manner. It will emphasize the customer aspects of the challenge given that customers are no longer recipients of what we do but are key actors with us in doing it. They are a part of newly conceived business processes in partnership with us. We have to design shared processes with them in mind. This course deals with the development of digitalized processes and services. It does not address digital strategies or digital architecture directly.

Special Features

  • Modernizes process analysis and design work to optimize digital processes
  • Deals with customer-in-command processes and business solutions: Journeys and Experiences
  • Minimizes Process Analysis for Digital Process to only enough of what you really need?
  • Brings a wealth of opportunities for Process Innovation
  • Features several examples of digitalized processes
  • Involves a series of hands on progressive exercises in designing a digital process solution


Training Outline

The Digital Challenge

  • Drivers and Trends of Digitalization
  • Digital Strategy
  • Digital vs Digitalization
  • Some definitions and truths
  • Examples: Uber, AirBnB and other usual suspects

Process Methodology Response

  • Traditional approaches
  • Process Analysis and Design for the digital world
  • The Concept Model as home base
  • The Burlton Capability Hexagon
  • Case study Workshop: Developing your
    concept model

Understand: Stakeholders, Vision and Scope

  • Value Chain and the scope of your included processes
  • External Stakeholders classification
  • Segmentation and Personalization
  • The use of Personas
  • Customer needs and value proposition
  • Customer experience
  • The North Star for your design
  • Example: Ordering of customized confectionery
    Case study Workshop: Analyzing the Stakeholders
    Case study Workshop: Defining the North Star

Analysis: Modelling and Analyzing the Process

  • How much current analysis and modeling is needed
  • Analysis and Modeling options
  • Dealing with the data
  • Case study Workshop: Analysing the current capability

Customer Process Experience Baseline

  • A typical Customer Experience pattern
  • Finding Moments of Truth
  • The Customer Journey map
  • Attributes of a great customer experience
  • Case study Workshop: Developing the Customer Journey

Digital Inspirations

  • Digital Solution Patters and Benchmarks
  • Omni-Channel characteristics
  • Mobile characteristics
  • RPA (Robotic Process Automation) characteristics
  • AI and Cognitive characteristics
  • Automating Decisions and Business Rules
  • Additional Technology potential
  • Example: Mortgage Decisioning Redesign

Design the Process and Capabilities#

  • Small Change vs Substantive change
  • Design principles
  • Creative workshops to leverage the inspiration
  • The new digital process
  • Designing measurement and feedback
  • Detailed mapping
  • The required capabilities and resources
  • Example: Justice System peer to peer case resolution
    Case study Workshop: Designing the digitalized process workflow
    Case study Workshop: Validating with the process scenarios
    Case study Workshop: Defining the digitalized process capabilities and resources

Culture and Behavioural Change

  • Developing the competencies: the core skills needed
  • Specifying the group behaviour as a set of requirements
  • Overcoming internal stakeholder concerns
  • Communication: what to say and when
  • Sustaining the journey: measuring, monitoring and coaching
  • Example: Board of Directors Digitalization

Implementation Options

  • Digital Base Capabilities
  • The role of iBPMS, Decision and Rules engines
  • Standards and Protocols
  • Technical Foundation

  • Build a customer journey and find moments of truth
  • Segment customer types and define personas
  • Understand existing customer bottlenecks and constraints and opportunities to remove them
  • Identify potentially useful digital technologies
  • Design end to end value stream processes that start and end with the customer process
  • Reconceptualise the customer interaction with our processes
  • Recognize genuine design constraints from other outside stakeholders
  • Deal with behavioral and cultural change
  • Define the change program
Who Is It For?
  • Process Analysts and Designers
  • Business Analysts
  • Business Leaders
  • Agilists
  • Business Architects
  • Anyone else concerned with designing and sustaining an agile business
  • This class will be of benefit to professionals and managers of all types involved with designing and developing digitalized business processes.
Process Renewal Group, Founder of BPTrends Associates
Roger is the president of Process Renewal Consulting Group Inc. He is also co-founder of BPTrends Associates; the services firm of the world-leading BPTrends.com knowledge portal. He started the pioneering Process Renewal Group (PRG) in 1993 and was at the forefront of process-centric ways of running businesses. He is regarded globally as a thought leader and dynamic practitioner who brings reason, clarity, and practicality to complex business architecture and business change. Roger's insights can be found in his acclaimed book: Business Process Management: Profiting from Process, the Business Process Manifesto, the Handbook on Business Process Management and numerous other publications including his articles featured on BPTrends.com. Roger chairs several of the largest and most influential Business Architecture and BPM conferences in the world and is a sought after speaker dealing with the tough issues of business change in a thought provoking and entertaining manner. A seasoned practitioner, Roger has conducted over 200 in depth consulting engagements with companies around the world and offers a pragmatic approach to helping clients to help themselves through supporting their strategy, architecture and transformation efforts. Roger is also a lecturer for senior year programs at the University of Toronto - Industrial Engineering faculty. Specialties: business case, business process, change management, customer relations, customer satisfaction, drivers, financial services, government, human resources, information technology, innovative, management consulting, marketing, organizational skills, performance management, process engineering, process management, statistics, strategic, strategic planning, telecommunications, workshops,