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London, UK , 3 – 6 June 2024

Join us and be one of the visionaries who will help transform the future of Enterprise Architecture and Business Process Management for professionals from across Europe and beyond.

Welcome to our Enterprise Architecture & Business Process Management Workshops! Join us on the 5 and 6 of June 2024 in London for an immersive exploration into the realms of enterprise architecture and business process management. Our hald day & full day workshops are led by industry experts, offering a dynamic blend of theory and practical application, providing you with actionable insights that you can implement immediately within your organisation. Whether you’re looking to optimise processes, streamline operations, or enhance your enterprise architecture framework, our workshops are tailored to meet your needs.

From in-depth case studies to interactive discussions and hands-on exercises, our program is designed to foster collaboration and inspire innovation. Join us and discover how you can transform your organisation for success in today’s competitive marketplace.

Half Day Workshops: Wednesday 5 June 2024

Morten Stender, Partner & Sabrina Lyhne, Senior Management Consultant, Staun & Stende

This workshop will introduce you to a modern approach to Enterprise Architecture (EA). What is it? What are its components? Why today’s organisation cannot go without it? What bridges should we build to close the gap between business and technology side of the organisation to bring strategy into reality? The workshop will include discussions, dialogue, and interactions to define different architecture domains, definitions, identify overall processes, and map out core EA products as well as typical stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities. It will also introduce you to methods how to break barriers and solve pain points to make an organisational impact and ensure business success. The workshop will therefore elaborate on modern EA’s integration with Business Architecture.

Learning objectives:

  • What is modern Enterprise Architecture?
  • What is the purpose of EA?
  • What are the main characteristics, processes, and deliverables of modern EA?
  • Who are the main stakeholders, their roles and responsibilities?
  • What does success look like with EA?
  • How to overcome the main barriers to make a business impact?
  • How to implement EA to break down silos, leverage emerging technologies, and drive digital innovation?

Alex Romanov, Business Architect, Avrolabs, Inc

Large legacy organisations – governments, law, healthcare, etc. face the need to overcome their intrinsic inefficiencies in our ever-complexifying and rapidly digitising world. Decision makers are often seduced by perception of “agile” as a quick win panacea, driving transformation projects into “just digitise something now!” mode, with the role of thoughtful all-enterprise Business Architecture (BA) diminished. The “Classic” high quality BA requires significant time-hungry effort, and cannot compete on sheer speed with ad-hoc agile implementations.

To remain a relevant practical success factor, BA must evolve to not only directly support agility of both business and IT, but also become an agent of thoughtful agility in adjacent fields such as of rapid systemic innovation, project management, governance, opportunities analysis, etc.

Throughout a sequence of multi-million-dollar business transformation projects, we strive to practically improve the BA “speed of relevance” with our multi-disciplinary framework of BA-related undertakings based on: Modularised BA, Delineation of “Strategic”- and “Project-oriented” BA, 2-speed BA delivery model with rapid modular governance, Pre-emptive discovery of transformation and/or digital opportunities, Systemic innovation-oriented BA practice organisation, Continuous capital investment and ROI strategy.


  • Philosophy of strategic architected agility and modularity
  • Structuring the modular business architecture for your enterprise’s agility
  • Modularity and predictive business/digital transformation opportunities
  • Establishing the modularity-capable business architecture practice with 2-speed delivery model
  • Rapid attainment of pattern-based change, governance, business processes optimisation, systemic innovations, and other agile strategic transformation results. This also discusses practical current and future AI applications.

Lourdes Gonzalez, CEO, Lulu Process Design Group
Pedro Rodriguez, AI Researcher

We want to live in a world in which AI and Machine Learning propel our workforce’s productivity and elevate the customer experience in our businesses. We can, and we will…but how? Join our workshop to embark on an insightful journey through the core concepts of AI, NLP, and ML. Led by an experienced AI/ML expert, this ‘AI Crash Course’ will unravel the strengths, flaws, limitations, and capabilities of these technologies. By the end of the workshop, you’ll not only understand the fundamentals but also gain practical strategies and tools to drive your business transformation through the effective integration of AI technologies and Change Management. Be prepared to unlock new possibilities and shape the future of your organisation with AI.

Grasp fundamentals with an AI/ML Expert & Researcher: dive into an immersive “AI Crash Course” to gain a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts underpinning AI, NLP & ML.

Learn about the strengths, flaws, limitations and capabilities of AI technologies.

Understand the most consequential fears our workforce is facing with AI technologies and equip your team to not just embrace but thrive in the age of digital transformation.

Jointly develop a sample Change Management roadmap plan to guide your organisation’s seamless transition to the AI future.

Explore a real-world case study and leverage the knowledge from experienced practitioners using AI in business applications

Vanessa Lam, Principal, BRS

Your organisation wants to become more data focused. Leadership is asking for “data-driven decisions” and may even be interested in adding a Data Scientist or two. But where do you start? How do you know if you’re doing the right thing?

This tutorial will provide a framework for assessing the health of your data organisation holistically. This includes not only the technical and analytical data capabilities, but also the human side of data – resourcing, culture, governance, community, and more. We will also provide tips, tricks, and anecdotes from our experiences to help you improve your data organisation.

Come prepared to reflect upon these questions for your own organisation and bring discussion questions to the group. This tutorial will provide you with practical questions and templates that you can use to assess your organization’s data capabilities and address the essential capabilities required for a thriving data organization.

Learning Objectives:

  • Learn a framework to assess the health of your data organisation
  • Get practical templates and questions to help you deep-dive into your data capabilities
  • Gain tips and tricks to improve your data organization

Sasha Aganova, Managing Partner, Process Renewal Group

Sasha Aganova brings innovative ideas to the intersection of new forms of business processes, business design, and cultural transformation. Her forward-thinking, pragmatic approach to today’s challenges is based on over 20 years as a leader of business process modernization. This approach was developed while working with diverse companies around the world to improve their ways of operating. Sasha writes thought-provoking articles for publications like BPTrends and the Huffington Post. She enjoys sharing her knowledge with the broader community at conferences as a frequent presenter, and keynote speaker. In addition to her consulting and training work, Sasha is also currently teaching an undergraduate-level course in Integrated Systems Design at the University of Toronto.

Dr. John Gøtze, CEO, EA Fellows
Ksenija Bickova, EA Consultant, EA Fellows

EA Fellows has developed a practical and light-weight approach to connecting enterprise strategic objectives in architecture execution outcomes.

The large consultancies typically charges clients millions for helping enterprises on this journey. We claim that it can be delivered in a much more light-weight manner.

Our holistic approach has been refined in engagements with over 20 enterprises over the past year in five countries and a a variety of industries.

In this workshop participants with learn:

  • How to translate strategic objectives to architecture execution outcomes
  • How to define requirements to your architecture practice
  • How to engage critical stakeholders

Jean-Sébastien Daigle, Enterprise Designer & Facilitator, Intersection Group

EDGY is Intersection Group’s Open Source tool designed to help people create better enterprises. It consists of a set of components connected by a common language people from various disciplines can relate to and use to engage in co-creative enterprise design.

The workshop is divided into two major parts:

  • Facets and reframing, where we learn how to use EDGY to look at the enterprise through different lenses to identify opportunities and blind spots.
  • Elements and statements, where we use EDGY to describe, explain and prototype the change we want to make in an enterprise.

Key takeaways:

  • A simple way for facilitating conversations across silos and practices.
  • The elements and relations that make the fabric of any enterprise.
  • Mapping and exploring the dynamics between those elements.
  • A powerful tool to make well-informed decisions from enterprise strategy all the way to hands-on change projects.

Suzanne Williams, Hostage Negotiator

Hostage negotiations are high stake business deals which are usually conducted with unsavoury characters in a difficult context against the backdrop of a life at risk.

This afternoon session is based on real life incidents and my 30 year’s experience as an accredited hostage negotiator.  It comprises of four tutorials that are designed to transfer the skills used by global hostage negotiation experts to the realities of the business environment. Participants in this event will learn the techniques used to prepare, conduct and manage a successful negotiation verbally, virtually and digitally.  The takeaways will be a series of practical tips that can enhance the users communication skills in both their professional and personal capacities.

Participants will strengthen their negotiation skills and confidence whilst acquiring the know-how and proficiency that provides best value results. Particular emphasis will be placed on the importance of building enduring relationships with diverse stakeholders.

Module 1

Welcome. A group introduction focussed on sharing expectations of the session and an overview of the training ahead.

Identifying common negotiation mistakes/pitfalls and reinforcing the importance of preparation prior to a significant negotiation. This session includes a break out session during which a pre-negotiation checklist to aid future preparation will be developed.

Module 2

The importance of a good first impression and the benefits of extreme listening will always underpin any successful negotiation. This interactive session will provide a good understanding of both.

Cultural awareness is an essential aspect of all communication. The second part of this module  reinforces the importance of culture and provides references for future research.

Module 3

This session will examine the importance a robust co-operative negotiation process identifying indicators of progress once a relationship has been established with a counterpart.

There is no ‘one size’ fits all solution or approach to negotiations, therefore a variety of persuasive ethical tactics will be explained along with the not so ethical tactics of others. There will be an introduction to Best Alternative to a Negotiated agreement (BATNA) and Zone of potential agreement (ZOPA)

Module 4

Digital and virtual negotiation requires different nuances in order to clarify your intentions and establish a remote relationship. This session will examine and explain the challenge of technology based negotiations.

I will allow 20 minutes for Q & A and any personal experiences that the attendees wish to share with the group.

Full Day Workshops: Thursday 6 June 2024

Roger Burlton, President, Process Renewal Group

The need for business architecture competency is growing beyond the traditional interest of IT practitioners to include communities with a broad set of concerns, critical to the business’ strategy, design and operations. Nowadays, many more people need to know how to influence and lead business performance enhancement, business agility, market focus and customer experience to name just a few. The challenges of fast transformational change, crushing external realities, out-dated business operations and sustainment of the business for continuing relevance are relentless and old ways of identifying, prioritizing and delivering value may be no longer sufficient. That’s where Business Architecture comes in.

Business Architecture work must incorporate a number of perspectives and, by accommodating them, change efforts can progress smoothly with few surprises. Clarity on business stakeholders, business capabilities, end to end value streams and business processes, the information created and consumed, business decisions, technology resources, and human competencies is essential to make required changes without introducing unnecessary risk in the change itself. Business Architects have to be knowledgeable on how all these domains work together to best serve our value streams to deliver stakeholder value. This will be a hands-on session where you will practice some essential Business Architecture techniques. Join your peers in learning with Roger Burlton, a pioneer in pragmatic Business Architecture practices.

Learning Objectives

  • Understand what a straightforward and useful Business Architecture looks like
  • Understand what business knowledge is needed
  • Learn to build information, capability and process architecture models and interconnect them through a balanced business performance scorecard

Annika Klyver, Business Designer/Architect, Scania
Milan Guenther, President, Intersection Group

You brought together all the stakeholders, you got everyone onboard, and you set an ambitious goal to deliver a breakthrough AI innovation for your customers.

But then it falls apart. That reorganisation messes up the responsibilities. The changes to the IT legacy required are too hard. The operational data needed is nowhere to be found. Regulations in effect prove to be showstoppers. The customer insights thrown over the fence from marketing turn out to be just assumptions. And your stakeholders were not that convinced after all. What just happened?

You probably have been there: it’s probably a simple misunderstanding! In this session, Annika and Milan will introduce you to a mapping technique for facilitating enterprise-level change by design, involving all co-creators with a common language. Built upon EDGY, a silo-busting Open Source tool of enterprise facets and elements, we’ll create a Milky Way map that captures the core story of your enterprise as a system. Creating shared understanding, it will open up the conversation on your Enterprise Design: what matters to people, what you can do together, and what to change to get there.

Key takeaways:

  • How to draw your enterprise on a napkin: learn how to establish a shared language and a business geography to facilitate joint wayfinding.
  • Reveal the links: map out how your enterprise pursues its Purpose, the Capabilities it relies on to deliver, and Experience outcomes for customers and other key people.
  • Have the right conversations: how to create clarity when developing business transformation, product strategy or technology investment options, collaboratively and visually.

Roger Tregear, Principal Advisor, TregearBPM

All process work should be explicitly about improving organisational performance.

This workshop traces the flow of process performance ideas and actions through every aspect of process management.

Beginning with the establishment of compelling reasons for process performance clarity, the workshop discusses how to make that case compelling for decision makers. It then describes the discovery of process KPIs and targets, followed by a complete review of how they are used.

The workshop introduces ready-to-use tools for process performance definition and management including Anatomy of a PKPI, Process Management Record, Process Behavior Chart, and Context Diagram.

In this workshop attendees receive a comprehensive tour through all the aspects of process performance management and receive practical, ready-for-use tools and guidance.

Learning objectives:

  • The critical importance of delivering Proven Valued Business Benefits.
  • Discovery, design, and use of Process KPIs.
  • Using the Process Management Record.
  • Using A Process Behavior Chart.
Roger Tregear Full Day Workshop
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