Event Details

This in-house training is based on the Business Architecture Guild’s BIZBOK principles and other established methods. It combines theoretical instruction with a practical case study and workshops to make Business Architecture disciplined, repeatable, yet practical. Led by industry veteran Roger Burlton, you'll gain the knowledge and skills required to implement the concepts and practices of the BIZBOK, understand how the business delivers value, define business organisation and operation, and align business resources.

Training Outline
  1. Why Business Architecture?
  • Enable Transformation, Disruption, and need for Innovation
  • Requirement for Business Agility
  • Business Architecture and Related Disciplines
  • Workshop: What is your Architecture maturity and readiness?
  1. Architecture Scoping and Value Chain Identification
  • Workshop: What Value Chains do you have and what’s in scope for Business Architecture?
  1. Business Strategy Understanding
  • Workshop: Who are your stakeholders and what is of value to them?
  1. Framing the Strategy for Business Architecture Consumption
  • Workshop: What are the Critical Capabilities and Requirements for the Business Architecture?
  1. Business Object/Concept Modeling
  • Workshop: What is your Business Object/Concept Model?
  1. Business Capabilities
  • Workshop: What are your Business Capabilities?
  1. Business Process Architecture
  • Workshop: What are your Value Streams and End-to-End Processes?
  1. Alignment to Decisions and Business Rules
  • Workshop: Articulating critical Decisions and Business Rules?
  1. Business Performance Models
  • Workshop: What is your Performance Scorecard?
  1. Alignment of Business Architecture with IT Enablement
  • Services, Microservices, and APIs
  • BPMS (process engines)
  • BRMS (rules engines)
  • Business Activity Monitoring and Analytics (measurement)
  • ERP
  1. Alignment with Human Competencies
  • Competence
  • Motivation, Behavior, and Culture
  • Structural and Cultural Maturity
  1. Prioritization of Change: Heat Maps
  • Workshop: What are your Business Process and Capability Priorities?
  1. Leveraging the Architecture into a Business Change Portfolio
  • Workshop: Which Processes and Capabilities are in scope for projects.
  1. Sustaining the Architecture through Governance
  • Governance Maturity Checklist
  • Architecture Sustainment – CoE Support
  1. Summary
  • Lessons Learned
Who Is It For?

It is designed to benefit a wide range of professionals involved in planning, designing, and managing organisational change. It is also ideal for anyone who aims to build business capabilities to adapt and innovate continuously. Specific roles that may find this course especially beneficial include:

  • Business Architects: The course focuses on developing the essential skills and knowledge needed to adapt business models, design operational processes, and drive change effectively.
  • Business Analysts: Analysts will learn how to harness business architecture principles to better understand the interconnections between business elements and enable more efficient business changes.
  • Process Architects and Analysts: These professionals will benefit from learning how to design and implement more efficient business processes based on best practices in business architecture.
  • Enterprise Architects: This course can help Enterprise Architects understand the broader business context of their work and how to align technical solutions with business objectives.
  • Change Agents: Those tasked with driving change within an organization can learn how to leverage business architecture to facilitate smoother transitions and achieve business goals.
  • Strategic Planners: Understanding business architecture can help strategic planners create more effective, long-term plans that take into account the full scope of business operations and capabilities.
  • Business Managers: Managers at all levels can gain insights on how to better understand and optimize their business operations through the principles of business architecture.
  • Anyone preparing for Business Architecture certification: This course provides comprehensive coverage of the key concepts and practices that are likely to be included in most Business Architecture certification programs.



Process Renewal Group, Founder of BPTrends Associates
Roger is the president of Process Renewal Consulting Group Inc. He is also co-founder of BPTrends Associates; the services firm of the world-leading BPTrends.com knowledge portal. He started the pioneering Process Renewal Group (PRG) in 1993 and was at the forefront of process-centric ways of running businesses. He is regarded globally as a thought leader and dynamic practitioner who brings reason, clarity, and practicality to complex business architecture and business change. Roger's insights can be found in his acclaimed book: Business Process Management: Profiting from Process, the Business Process Manifesto, the Handbook on Business Process Management and numerous other publications including his articles featured on BPTrends.com. Roger chairs several of the largest and most influential Business Architecture and BPM conferences in the world and is a sought after speaker dealing with the tough issues of business change in a thought provoking and entertaining manner. A seasoned practitioner, Roger has conducted over 200 in depth consulting engagements with companies around the world and offers a pragmatic approach to helping clients to help themselves through supporting their strategy, architecture and transformation efforts. Roger is also a lecturer for senior year programs at the University of Toronto - Industrial Engineering faculty. Specialties: business case, business process, change management, customer relations, customer satisfaction, drivers, financial services, government, human resources, information technology, innovative, management consulting, marketing, organizational skills, performance management, process engineering, process management, statistics, strategic, strategic planning, telecommunications, workshops,