Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Founding Director
  • Company
    Learn Change
  • Experience

    Katie is a highly experienced change management leader, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Her focus is on the people side of change - helping individual colleagues perform at their best, creating high performing teams which support the success of organisations as they navigate their change agenda. She is a natural communicator equally comfortable working at an exec level or with colleagues at the coal face.

    Her training workshops are highly interactive, and delegates learn through problem-solving exercises that draw on the experience of everyone in the room. She is structured, action-orientated and likes to leave clients with lasting change management capabilities that will differentiate them from their competitors and deliver results long after she has moved on.

    Katie has more than twenty years of corporate experience, from operational roles at Vodafone, BT and Orange to Senior Director for Process Excellence and Change at Inmarsat. More recently she set up her own consultancy to enable her to share her expertise with a broader range of clients.

    With 25 years out in the field learning what works and what doesn’t, she has used her experience to:
    • Help organisations create Change Management as a core capability
    • Coach leaders and sponsors to focus on the People Side of Change
    • Create an environment where ambitious change can co-exist with ‘business as usual’
    • Deliver Culture Change Training and reinforcement workshops with global organisations
    • Create a Continuous Improvement Training Academy in 2 organisations
    • Set up a Lean Six Sigma Accreditation scheme
    • Lead programmes that have delivered £m of benefits by increasing customer satisfaction, removing waste and driving innovation
    • Introduce ‘outside-in’ thinking (Customer Experience design and journey mapping)
    • Provide coaching for senior leaders, graduates and aspiring change agents

    Key areas of expertise
    • Managing change – overcoming resistance
    • Establishing pragmatic change frameworks that deliver results
    • Culture shaping – energy, happiness and results
    • Leadership and management development
    • Coaching for success – unlocking potential
    • Operational excellence – empowering through problem-solving
    • Customer Experience design programmes – insight and action
    • Transformation and Business Improvement programme delivery

    Qualifications and experience include:
    • Change Management (accredited PROSCI practitioner)
    • Culture Change (accredited by Senn Delaney)
    • Six Sigma (accredited by Vodafone)
    • Facilitator and trainer (Accredited by Successful Trainers)

    ‘I would recommend Katie without hesitation to any organisation which needs a passionate & capable leading change agent who gets things done!’
    Graham Ryan – Partner and COO, CGA Customer Experience

    ‘You have consistently created real advocates for our culture transformation programme wherever you have gone. The accountability workshop you developed and delivered received by far the most positive feedback from the leadership team. It was an outstanding, subtle and nuanced session which was incredibly relatable across the board and has been repeated many times across the organisation.’
    Jo Franco-Wheeler – Director Organisational Development and Diversity, Inmarsat

Speaker Details
  • Profession
    Founding Director
  • Company
    Learn Change
  • Experience

    Katie is a highly experienced change management leader, trainer, facilitator, and coach. Her focus is on the people side of change - helping individual colleagues perform at their best, creating high performing teams which support the success of organisations as they navigate their change agenda. She is a natural communicator equally comfortable working at an exec level or with colleagues at the coal face.

    Her training workshops are highly interactive, and delegates learn through problem-solving exercises that draw on the experience of everyone in the room. She is structured, action-orientated and likes to leave clients with lasting change management capabilities that will differentiate them from their competitors and deliver results long after she has moved on.

    Katie has more than twenty years of corporate experience, from operational roles at Vodafone, BT and Orange to Senior Director for Process Excellence and Change at Inmarsat. More recently she set up her own consultancy to enable her to share her expertise with a broader range of clients.

    With 25 years out in the field learning what works and what doesn’t, she has used her experience to:
    • Help organisations create Change Management as a core capability
    • Coach leaders and sponsors to focus on the People Side of Change
    • Create an environment where ambitious change can co-exist with ‘business as usual’
    • Deliver Culture Change Training and reinforcement workshops with global organisations
    • Create a Continuous Improvement Training Academy in 2 organisations
    • Set up a Lean Six Sigma Accreditation scheme
    • Lead programmes that have delivered £m of benefits by increasing customer satisfaction, removing waste and driving innovation
    • Introduce ‘outside-in’ thinking (Customer Experience design and journey mapping)
    • Provide coaching for senior leaders, graduates and aspiring change agents

    Key areas of expertise
    • Managing change – overcoming resistance
    • Establishing pragmatic change frameworks that deliver results
    • Culture shaping – energy, happiness and results
    • Leadership and management development
    • Coaching for success – unlocking potential
    • Operational excellence – empowering through problem-solving
    • Customer Experience design programmes – insight and action
    • Transformation and Business Improvement programme delivery

    Qualifications and experience include:
    • Change Management (accredited PROSCI practitioner)
    • Culture Change (accredited by Senn Delaney)
    • Six Sigma (accredited by Vodafone)
    • Facilitator and trainer (Accredited by Successful Trainers)

    ‘I would recommend Katie without hesitation to any organisation which needs a passionate & capable leading change agent who gets things done!’
    Graham Ryan – Partner and COO, CGA Customer Experience

    ‘You have consistently created real advocates for our culture transformation programme wherever you have gone. The accountability workshop you developed and delivered received by far the most positive feedback from the leadership team. It was an outstanding, subtle and nuanced session which was incredibly relatable across the board and has been repeated many times across the organisation.’
    Jo Franco-Wheeler – Director Organisational Development and Diversity, Inmarsat